Decorations & Props Promotions


Enjoy a Free Prop Rental. Quote The Wedding Vow

Contact: +65 9837 9360

For The Wedding is a Singapore-based boutique styling firm specializling in paper flower products (in particular, dramatic backdrops with 3D paper flowers). They make gorgeous wedding arches using hand-crafted paper blooms and bouquets that last longer than a wedding day. Armed with an array of unique props and skills, For the Wedding can transform your big day into a very special scene.

Terms & Conditions:
Free prop rental is only valid with a backdrop or arch order.
Select from one of the following props: Rotatable photo panel that comes with 48pcs of 5R digital print, faux manzanita table top tree in white, wooden signage “Our happily ever starts here” and life size ang pow boxes in bride & groom outfits.

Usual rates: 
Backdrop rental starts from $1,800nett

Website | Facebook | Instagram



 – Wedding Promotions Singapore –
If you are a vendor and want to feature your promotion, please fill in the form here.
If you are in search for a vendor and would like recommendations, please contact us here.

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