Wedding Favours Promotions & Deals
Enjoy 30% OFF usual rates* and customization fee (worth $50) waived. Quote The Wedding Vow
Contact: +65 9320 2657
Customise a meaningful wedding favour for your guests; featuring premium tea in pyramid tea sachets with inspirational quotes on each tea tag. While you wait for your tea to steep, be uplifted and encouraged! In addition, our customisable labels and a wide range of floral and fruity tea blends to choose from, allow the flexibility for every couple to have a unique door gift for their special day.
Usual Rates:
2-sachets: $3.20 / $3.50
3-sachets: $4.50 / $4.80
You can view their blends here.
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– Wedding Promotions Singapore –
If you are a vendor and want to feature your promotion, please fill in the form here.
If you are in search for a vendor and would like recommendations, please contact us here.
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