• Wedding

    How to write your wedding vows in 6 simple steps

    Vow: (noun) 1. A solemn promise, pledge, or personal commitment:marriage vows; a vow of secrecy. 2. A solemn promise made to a deity or saint committing oneself to an act, service, or condition. 3. A solemn or earnest declaration. Source: Gillette Portrait Arts Your wedding vows in 6 simple steps 1. Write about how you guys met, fell in love and got together. 2. Think about how much & why you love her, and pen it down in words. 3. How has she changed you for the better (or for worse). (Feel free to incorporate any humour & share a joke or two haha) 4. Share the significant life experiences that you have spent with each other, the milestones in your relationship, the places you’ve gone & travelled too. This all works great for reminicising the good ol’ times. 5. Write about the…