Where to buy Flower Girl Dresses in Singapore?
Ever wonder why we have flower girls in weddings? It’s such a pretty tradition to have, but I’ve always wondered too! Why is there a flower girl in weddings? The flower girl precedes the bride down the aisle and sprinkles lovely flower petals on the ground for the bride to walk on. A sweet little girl all dolled up walking down the aisle is definitely the cutest way to start a wedding. There’s no doubt the cutie will charm the guests and set a perfect scene for the wedding. The tradition of flower girls actually originate from the Romans & Greeks in ancient times. Flower girls symbolize the passageway from…
Experience the Mason’s Wedding Fair 2013
Hello readers! Firstly, apologies for taking so long to upload this post. I’ve been really busy with getting together our wedding e-directory, which is about to be launched in November 2013, so be sure to stay tuned for that! Now, down to the good stuff. Earlier this July, I was invited to attend a wedding fair at Mason’s, and it was a great experience! Even met 2 of my good friends, Cong Pei and Derek, who are about to get married soon. :) Well, if you didn’t make it down to this fair, no worries as this blogpost will offer you a wrap up of the event and an insight on the…