• Best Dog Treats in Singapore
    All Posts,  Best of Singapore,  Lifestyle,  Pets

    10 Best Dog Treats in Singapore | Best of Pets 2023

    As our best pals, dogs deserve only the best. Aside from dog foods, the most perfect way to return their unconditional love is through tasty dog treats. And since we love them so much, it is important to look for treats that are both delicious and healthy. With an extensive variety of dog treats available in the market, which then is the best dog treat in Singapore? In our Best of Pets series, we have curated the latest 10 Best Dog Treats in Singapore, providing quality recommendations to suit your pet needs and budget.  This article was last updated on 6 January 2023. Table of Contents: Best Dog Treats in…

  • All Posts,  Best of Singapore,  Lifestyle,  Pets

    7 Best Fish Food in Singapore | Best of Pets 2023

    If keeping a dog or a cat as pet is something that would be intimidating and difficult for you to maintain in the long-term, fishes would be a great alternative. While this doesn’t mean they’re zero maintenance, at least, you don’t have to walk them around your neighbourhood, pet them whenever they feel like it, let them pace back and forth in front of your computer while doing Zoom meetings, or be a little more tolerant about them kneading your tummy in the wee hours. The fishes’ striking colours add vibrance to a quiet, lonely space, and at the same time, their movement in the water is a calming scene…

  • 10 Best Dog Foods in Singapore
    All Posts,  Best of Singapore,  Pets

    10 Best Dog Foods in Singapore for a Healthier Dog | Best of Pets 2023

    Just like ours, the kind of diet your dog has can significantly impact their life. A healthy diet not only helps your dog live longer but also improves its overall quality of life. Nevertheless, choosing the right dog food can be a challenge because depending on whether they’re big, small, young, or old, the food that’s best for your pup can be wildly different. With an extensive variety of dog food in the market, which then is the best dog food in Singapore? In this list, we introduce the 10 Best Dog Foods in Singapore, providing quality recommendations based on your lifestyle and budget needs. This article was last updated…

  • 10 Best Pet Stores in Singapore
    All Posts,  Best of Singapore,  Pets

    10 Best Pet Stores in Singapore | Best of Pets 2023

    As a fellow pet parent, I can attest that we all want the best for our fur babies. From great treats, cute accessories, tempting toys, and pet essentials, they deserve all the love from us. But the reality is that it might be time-consuming to look for reliable pet shops that provide quality items for our beloved pets. With an extensive variety of pet stores in the market, which then is the best pet store in Singapore? In this list, we introduce the 10 Best Pet Stores in Singapore, providing quality recommendations based on your lifestyle and budget needs. Table of contents  Pet Lovers Centre Pawpy Kisses Pets’ Gantry Kohe…

  • All Posts,  Best of Singapore,  Pets

    10 Best Vets in Singapore (2023)

    More than just a part of being a responsible pet owner, we take our furry pals to a trusted vet because we treat them as family, and we want them to be healthy all the time. Besides the fact that our pets inevitably get sick from time to time, we are also required to take them to a vet clinic for their yearly vaccinations. Other necessary procedures such as neutering or spaying dogs and cats are also done in a vet clinic. But with many vet clinics in Singapore to choose from, which are the most recommended ones? In this article, we’ll give you a handy list of the best…

  • Susu kucing terbaik 2021
    All Posts,  Best of Indonesia,  Pets

    10 Merk Susu Kucing Terbaik 2023: Kaya Nutrisi dan Dorong Pertumbuhan

    Kucing adalah hewan peliharaan yang dikenal suka makan ikan. Namun apakah Anda tahu kalau sebagai hewan mamalia, kucing pada dasarnya sangat suka susu. Memberi susu kepada kucing Anda akan membantu menjaga kesehatan kucing, terutama dalam menopang pertumbuhan dan integritas tulang.Sebelum memberikan susu pada kucing Anda, pastikan bahwa susu yang Anda berikan cocok bagi kucing. Salah memberikan susu dapat berpotensi mengganggu sistem pencernaan kucing Anda. Agar tidak salah pilih, berikut ulasan 10 Susu Kucing Terbaik di Indonesia, untuk rekomendasi yang disesuaikan dengan berbagai kebutuhan dan isi kantong Anda! Baca juga rekomendasi shampo kucing dan mainan kucing terbaik! Artikel ini terakhir diperbarui pada 9 Januari 2023 Daftar isi 10 Susu Kucing Terbaik…

  • Mainan Kucing Terbaik 2021
    All Posts,  Best of Indonesia,  Pets

    10 Rekomendasi Mainan Kucing Terbaik 2023: Unik dan Lucu

    Kucing adalah hewan peliharaan yang digemari oleh banyak orang. Selain tampangnya yang lucu, kucing juga merupakan hewan yang aktif dan asik untuk diajak main. Oleh karena itu, ada baiknya jika mereka dibelikan mainan khusus kucing. Seperti halnya mainan anak-anak, mainan kucing pun bervariasi, mulai dari ukuran, desain, kegunaan, dan lain-lain. Beberapa tipe mainan juga bisa digunakan oleh lebih dari 1 kucing. Bingung memilih mainan kucing yang cocok untuk Anda? Simak ulasan 10 Mainan Kucing Terbaik di Indonesia ini, untuk berbagai rekomendasi yang sesuai dengan kesukaan dan isi kantong Anda! Baca juga ulasan susu kucing dan shampoo kucing terbaik! Artikel ini terakhir diperbarui pada 11 Januari 2023 Daftar isi 10 Mainan…

  • All Posts,  Best of Singapore,  Pets,  Services

    8 Best Dog Groomers in Singapore (2023)

    Your dogs have a habit of getting themselves into the dirtiest of conditions. And sending your beloved pets to salons or groomers that provide the best grooming services in Singapore is one of your many responsibilities as a pet owner.  With so many groomers and pet salons out there, you’ll probably have a hard time choosing the best for your pet’s grooming needs. Fortunately, we discovered several choices for reputable dog groomers. Check out our list of the Best Dog Groomers in Singapore to see where to find pet grooming parlors that offer the best service on the island. This article was last updated on 31 January 2023. Table of…

  • All Posts,  Best of Singapore,  Pets

    10 Best Pet Grooming Salons in Singapore | Best of Pets 2023

    Despite being able to groom themselves, our pets can still end up with overgrown and tangled fur. Leaving them with matted fur and poor hygiene can cause health problems. Pet grooming salons let us give our fur babies the pampering they rightfully deserve. These salons can include everything from bathing to nail trimming to fur styling. There are numerous pet grooming salons with different specialities and services. However, this makes it difficult to choose which pet grooming salon to go to. Here, we have researched and listed down some of the popular and trusted pet grooming salons in Singapore. Check them out! This article was last updated on 6 January…